We’re on TA!?

Hi there Twifans,

Well today at around 2 pm, I went to do my daily check on Twilighters Anonymous. I opened up the news blog and BOOM! There it was. Our proud little Twi-Can logo in really really really big. Right there. On TA. First thing. It completely slipped my mind that we e-mailed them the night before. Silly me… It was so exciting, though! Like I was just doing my daily do’s and then it’s like “Hey, wait a second, isn’t that me?” It was truly great. Yes yes it was. I think I even might’ve squealed a little.

The first time we were on TA, we were only featured in their Odds and Ends. This time, we got a whole thing to ourselves! IT. WAS. AWESOME. You guys can go ch-ch-check it out here:


Also, for all you groupies (and by that I mean people in the Facebook group, ehehe), if you haven’t noticed yet, we’re posting new discussion board topics every week to get to know our members better. Cause we heart you 🙂

Also, I loooove the e-mails. Every time I see an new e-mail in the inbox, I get so excited. I’ll always answer a good e-mail. So if you got anything to say, say it. 🙂 It’ll make me happy cause I’m one of those people that get amused by the smallest things. I’m special X)

Anyways, thanks everyone for all the support! Keep it coming!


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  1. do u know when the cast will be up there to start filming?? know they just got back from tokyo. will they take a break first ??

  2. thanks for being here! cant wait to start hearing the news from there. U ARE LUCKY

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